A level results day!
I got my physics A level results today - it was an A! I'm really pleased with my result and I'm really grateful to all my friends and family for their support.
I'm glad that I did it, not just for the knowledge of physics, but also so I could get a taste of what it is like doing exams in the 21st century. The internet is a game changer - it provided so much help, that I didn't need any tutoring.
I will be making blog posts about what I leant from doing my A level in the future.
It also allowed me to see what students say about their exams and their exam periods, which usually relates to how stressful it is. I had a good reminder of that by doing my exams first hand, and I only did one A level.
So, if you did any A levels this year, well done. It is a massive undertaking and I am glad that I had a reminder of that.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!